Is it better to cut grass short or long?
Many homeowners prefer to mow their lawns shorter because they don’t want to spend hours cutting the grass every week. Is this really effective though? Mowing the lawn too short can damage the blades of grass, especially after summer heat waves. This leads to problems such as uneven growth, yellowing leaves, and even stunted plant development. Short grass also makes it harder for insects to hide from predators. In addition, it increases the amount of time required to mow the lawn.
What is the best length to cut grass?
The ideal grass height varies depending on where you live. In cooler climates, it is around 5 inches whereas in warmer regions it is best to cut it around 10 inches. Regardless of climate, there are some basic rules of thumb about how tall your grass should be.
Your lawn needs to be cut no lower than 3 inches above ground level to keep weeds out of the soil and prevent water loss. Cutting too low causes the grass blades to dry out faster, making it harder for the roots to absorb nutrients. You should maintain the correct height for your area, and consider adding another inch or two once every few weeks. This allows the grass to continue growing without being stressed.
Does the type of grass impact cutting height?
Grass types differ based on climate, so you'll want your lawn care to reflect that. For example, cool-season grasses grow well in cold regions, while warm-season grasses thrive in the heat. Cool-season grasses include some familiar names such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall Fescue, and Perennial Ryegrass.
These grasses generally reach around 3 feet high in cooler temperatures and require cutting once every 10 days. Warm-season grasses tend to grow taller, reaching up to 5 feet high in hot weather. They don't need to be trimmed as often since they're less susceptible to disease.
How does grass height change during the seasons?
The length of time your grass grows each season depends on many factors, including climate. In some parts of Canada, the weather gets very warm during the summertime and cools down again in the winter. If your area experiences extreme temperatures throughout the year, your grass might grow longer in the warmer months and shorter in the cooler ones.
If you live somewhere where there are lots of rain showers, your grass could grow taller in the spring because water helps plants grow. However, if you live in an arid area, your grass might grow shorter in the spring because it doesn't receive enough moisture to help it grow tall.
How to tell what’s wrong with my lawn
What happens if you cut your grass too short?
Lawn height has a bigger influence on the health of your lawn grass than you might think. The shorter you cut it, the more of its integral elements you destroy, and with dead grass blades, it's virtually impossible to keep your grass green and lush.
It ruins the lawn's food supply
All types of grass plants store food in their leaves throughout the winter months because they need extra reserve during those months when the cold weather makes it difficult to absorb nutrients. When you cut the leaf blades too short, you disrupt the plant's health because you essentially remove its food supply, which can be extremely damaging for grass growth.
It prevents it from developing strong roots
In addition to removing the grass' source of food, when you cut the grass too short, you're taking away the grass' ability to develop strong roots. That can cause problems down the road. For instance, if you cut off too much of the grass roots, it'll struggle to absorb nutrients found deep underground. That means the grass won't get enough water and may wilt. Also, because the grass lacks proper nourishment, it'll be forced to spend energy growing new leaves instead of developing stronger roots. This could lead to future problems such as poor drainage or erosion.
It prevents its ability to survive drought
Grass needs to be cut at an ideal height as this allows its deep roots to store its reserves which are needed in dry weather. Its shallow roots mean that it can’t absorb nutrients from the soil. When it becomes hot, the sun drips down onto the surface of the earth. This means that the grass loses moisture and cannot take in nutrients from the soil. This causes the grass to go dormant. It may even dry out completely.
It makes it more susceptible to weeds
When you have a healthy grass, you are far less likely to see weeds appear. However, when you cut your grass too short, you are left with weak grass plants which lead to weed growth. The weeds become stronger than your grass blades and can therefore take over your entire lawn. It then becomes difficult to re-grow a healthy lawn. Moreover, when your grass is weak, it also leaves openings for insects to overrun your lawn, causing even more damage.
How often should you cut your grass?
Lawn care professionals recommend trimming your lawn every week during the warmest part of the year. This includes spring, summer, and early autumn. However, if you live in a climate where there are plenty of rain showers, your lawn might grow faster and require less maintenance.
The best way to figure out what works best for you is to take note of the weather forecast. Then, use that information to determine whether you need to do some extra work. For example, if you notice that there's been a lot of rainfall lately, you can consider cutting your grass shorter and more often. You can also fertilize your lawn to encourage it to grow faster.
When is the best time to cut grass after rain?
When dealing with mild morning dew or light rain, you may only need to wait between two and five hours for the lawn to fully dry before mowing. For heavier rainstorms, you should wait at least one day before mowing. Shady areas of your lawn will take longer to completely dry compared to areas that are in direct sunlight.
While mowing a wet lawn might damage your mower or cutters, there are ways to minimize the effects if you don't have time to wait. Sharp blades help keep your lawn healthy when the ground is still moist. You can also raise the height of your mower deck to three inches or higher and discharge the wet clippings into an area where they won't get soaked again. However, if the soil underneath the lawn feels squishy, you shouldn't mow the grass because it means that it needs more time to dry.
Lawn care services
Lawn care is extremely important if you want a beautiful and healthy garden. However, not everyone has the time to dedicate to lawn maintenance. Thankfully, if you're to busy to dedicate time for gardening, you can hire lawn care experts. Eagleyard offers different lawn care packages designed to ensure your peace of mind all year long. They include services like insect pest control, weed control, and soil aeration.